Farmingdale Firemen's Association

Brief History of the Farmingdale Firemen’s Association

The Farmingdale Firemen’s Association was originally formed in 1925 as a way to keep the older members of the fire department active and to help with fire department activities long after they were able to perform the duties of a firefighter.

George Stevens was the first president, Frank Marshall vice-president, George Ring was the secretary and treasurer. The firemen’s association sponsored fishing trips, dances field days, suppers, helping sick neighbors and raised money to donate toward many causes to benefit the community.

Today, the firemen’s association still survives, and still, our primary focus is to raise funds to help the fire department with purchases of equipment that the budget may not be able to support.

Projects that we always need help with:
1) Empty bottles/cans…donations of bottles and cans are a major fundraiser and we ask that you consider telling everyone there is a bottle bin now, in the parking lot of the new station.
2) Maine Ave. Flag project…for many years the firemen’s association purchased United States and Military flags and installed them along Maine Ave. in honor of our Veterans both past and present.
The flags last about 2 years and then due to poor conditions, must be changed. Changing the flags cost us over $1500.00 every other year. We are committed this project but could use some financial help from time to time to keep this going.

Donations to the Farmingdale Firemen’s Association (not part the town) can be made by contacting one of the members of the Association.

We all thank the community that has always supported our efforts.