Persons wishing to be married in the State of Maine must apply for a marriage license from the Town Clerk's office.  Residents of the State of Maine intending to be joined in a marriage shall record notice of their intentions in the office of the Clerk of the municipality in which at least one of them resides.  If only one party resides in the State, the parties shall record notice of their intentions in the office of the Clerk of the municipality which the resident resides.  If both parties to a marriage reside outside the State, they must file intentions in any municipal office.  Once the intentions are filed and the license is issued the parties are free to marry anywhere within Maine.
If either party has been previously married, he or she must submit with the application a certified copy of the divorce decree or annulment of the last marriage or the death certificate of the last spouse.  If both parties have been previously married, they both must submit the certificates or certified copies.  Marriage licenses cannot be issued without this documentation.

There is no waiting period in Maine.  After the notice of intentions of marriage has been filed the Clerk will issue the license, which is valid for 90 days from the date the intentions were filed.

The fee for a marriage application is $40.  Following the ceremony the license is permanently filed with the Town Clerk of the municipality in which it was originally issued.  Certified copies can be obtained from the Clerk for a fee of $15 for the first copy and $6 for each additional copy issued at the same time.

Contact: Town Clerk but it is by appointment only..... please call 207-582-2225 for an appointment.

Below is a marriage intention form that may be filled out on line and printed off or you may print the document and fill out by hand
do not sign this form unless in front of a notary or the town clerk.